A. How does Venice differ from most other cities?Most transport in Venice is by boat. ✔B. Make these sentences into English.(08/24/21)-의사가 나보고 쉬라고 조언했어The doctor advised me to rest=> Another way: Your sentence is okay and this is another way of saying it.-그녀는 쉽게 용서한다.She forgives easily. ✔-우리회사 회계사는 내가 한 작업을 교정시켜줬어.the accountant in my company corrected my work several times. ✔-매니저는 그의 사소한 규정 위반을 이유로 그를 용서했다.Manager forgave him for a tiny regulation violation reason. Corrected pattern=> The manager excused him for his minor violations.목록화상 영어센터 소개회원약관개인정보취급방침고객센터상호 : (주)이지온대표 : 배종휘주소 : 경상남도 창원시 성산구 마디미서로 34, 401호 TEL : 070-8765-0001FAX : 070-4895-4977사업자등록번호 : 617-81-96701통신판매신고 : 제 2018-부산연제 -0379호 개인정보관리책임 : 배종휘 E-mail : easyoneng@hanmail.net Copyright ⓒ JUSTALK . All rights reserved.
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